Leading in Extraordinary Times

Session 2: The Storm is Here: Consequences of Climate Change
Dr. Steven Hausman

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 12:00-1:00 pm USA EDT (1600-1700 UTC)

Climate change and global warming have devastating consequences on our planet and our lives, such as extreme weather patterns and loss of biodiversity. However, there are some solutions available, and by working together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future.

About Session: 02

Climate change and global warming are no longer distant threats or abstract concepts, but are real and happening here and now, with devastating consequences on our planet and our lives. The increasing global temperatures are leading to extreme weather patterns, including hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, and floods, which are causing immense destruction to our ecosystems, homes, and livelihoods. In addition, the melting of polar ice caps is leading to the rise of sea levels, which is threatening the existence of low-lying areas and islands. These effects are not just environmental, but they also pose significant economic and social challenges. Moreover, climate change is leading to the loss of biodiversity, disrupting our food systems, and worsening air and water quality. These consequences are not just limited to future generations but are affecting us now, and they require our immediate attention and action.
This presentation will provide insights into the impacts of climate change and global warming, which are becoming increasingly dire as time passes. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. There is still time to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and global warming, but the entire world needs to act rapidly and work together to adapt to changing climate conditions, and to create a more sustainable future. Some solutions include reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable lifestyles, supporting policies and technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, investing in research and development and encouraging a circular economy.

About Speaker

Dr. Steven Hausman

Dr. Steven Hausman is a talented public speaker, recognized futurist and widely-quoted technology authority. He had a 31-year career at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a scientist and senior executive and is currently a technology consultant and professional speaker on emerging technologies that include cybersecurity, AI, 3D printing, climate change, robotics, and medical topics. Dr. Hausman received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in the field of immunogenetics and transplantation biology. He joined the NIH as a Staff Fellow in the National Institute on Aging, and later was appointed as the first Deputy Director of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. In 2007 he founded Hausman Technology Presentations. He is a recipient of the NIH Director’s Award (NIH’s highest award), the Public Health Service Exceptional Achievement Award, and the NIH Equal Employment Opportunity Award. Because of his interest in advocating for individuals with disabilities Dr. Hausman was appointed to membership on, and elected Chair of, the NIH Diversity Council. He led the effort to convert all incoming paper grant applications to electronic format, developed the first paperless ethics system for the NIH, organized the NIH Advanced Technologies Scientific Interest Group, and was a member of the trans-NIH Nanotechnology Task Force.