Mentornship Program Through knowledge transfer

We are a Global Coalition of Thought Leaders dedicated to Knowledge Sharing that fuels Innovative Solutions to Challenges facing Contemporary Society, and we invite participation with Like-Minded Organizations and Individuals


The International Institute of Knowledge and Innovation (IIKI) is committed to sharing its contemporary and historical intellectual property in the fields of Knowledge and Innovation Management through a Global Community of Affiliated Partners. Our Coalition of respected practitioners, accredited instructors, and degreed graduates has been using the premise of “Theory to Practice, a Continuum,” to transform research concepts into efficient, effective, and sustainable practices which are then used to fuel further research and innovative learning.

Foster the practice of Global Knowledge Collaboration, Life-Long Learning and Innovative Creativity.

Convert Theoretical Research into Documented, Actionable Practices, Tools and Methodologies.

Apply practices, tools and methodologies through Contract or Grant Funded opportunities in conjunction with our Non-Profit and For-Profit Alliances.

Attract, recognize, enrich and retain an engaged World-Wide Membership on a continuing basis.